Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Aurora Borealis Tonight (4th August 2010) | Timings And Locations Of Aurora Borealis

According to the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska, the level of auroral activity over the Upper Midwest will be “high” for areas north of Milwaukee. This means we will have a decent chance of seeing the phenomena tonight! In order to see the aurora, you must have clear skies and be away from city lights.

Time of prediction: Wednesday, August 4, 2010 13:30 GMT*
Predicted Kp: 4.33
Lead-time for prediction: 46.4 minutes
Forecast:Auroral activity will be active. Weather permitting, active auroral displays will be visible overhead from Barrow to Anchorage and Juneau, and visible low on the horizon from King Salmon and Prince Rupert.
* Alaska Daylight Time (AKDT) is 8 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Universal Time (UT). Alaska Standard Time (AKST) is 9 hours behind GMT or UT. 

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