Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Solar Tsunami To Hit Earth Tonight (3rd August 2010) | Photos And Videos

The Sun's surface erupted early Sunday morning, blasting tons of plasma into interplanetary space -- directly towards the Earth.
That wall of ionized atoms should hit the planet tonight, say scientists, creating a geomagnetic storm and a spectacular light show and possibly threatening satellites in orbit.
"This eruption is directed right at us and is expected to get here early in the day on Aug. 4th," said Leon Golub of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "It's the first major Earth-directed eruption in quite some time.".
iews of aurorae are usually associated with Canada and Alaska, but even skywatchers in the northern U.S. mainland are being told they can look toward the north Tuesday and Wednesday evenings for rippling "curtains" of green and red ligh

Solar Tsunami coronal mass ejection, To Hit Earth Tonight (3rd August 2010) | Photos And Videos,third august 2010,solar flakes and solar tsunami,of solar tsunami,tsunami to hit earth,whar are the effects of Solar Tsunami,eomagnetic storms, coronal mass ,NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory snapped this X-ray photo of the Sun early in the morning of Sunday, August 1st. The dark arc near the top right edge of the image is a filament of plasma blasting off the surface -- part of the coronal mass ejection. The bright region is an unassociated solar flare.ejection,solar Solar Tsunami Headed Towards,magnetis erruption,affects of solar tsunami,sun tsunami on 3rd august 2010,photos,videos,pictures of solar tsunami