Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ivy Bean Wikipedia | Oldest Twitter User Has Passed Away | Ivy Beanprofile,Photos,news

Social networking sites really have people wrapped around its fingers – and why not, it is a great equalizer knowing no age, race or religion. Well, maybe age will be a disqualifier, but only if you are below 18 years of age.
In this case, Ivy Bean will be very much qualified to be on social networking sites, particularly Twitter, being all of 104 years of age. She even earned the distinction of being the oldest known Twitter user. Sadly, she has passed away.  
Bean lived in a two-storey care home in Bradford and every day she would untiringly tell her 57,000 Twitter followers around the world what she was doing – whether it is eating fish and chips or just siting in the garden.
Bean entered the hospital two weeks ago because of jaundice, and care home manager Pat Wright took over the tweeting on Bean’s behalf.

In the past few days, Bean returned to the care home, but it seems she never fully recovered from her illness. Wright informed Bean’s followers Wednesday that she died “peacefully” at 12:08 a.m.
Wright tweeted, “I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you, but it was a very difficult thing to do.” She didn’t reveal the cause of death.

Ivy Bean Wikipedia | Oldest Twitter User  Has Passed Away| Ivy Bean wiki,profile,bio,news, data,photos|Biodata,twitter users list,primitive twitter user,First twitter user,who is Ivy Bean

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